Football Referee Affiliation
To verify yourself as a Football Referee on YesRef, the information we require, very much depends on your involvement in Football and how you would like to use YesRef. Add/Update my Football Referee Information Adding or updating your information on YesRef for verification is simple. Login to YesRef go to your Profile select Account Sports choose Football. This page will provide you with the option to update your Football Referee information. Finding the InforPopularHow to invite your Parent/Guardian as a Sports Official?
As a Sports Official under the age of 18, we ask you to invite a Parent/Guardian to the Platform, to seek their approval for you to use the YesRef Platform. Registration During registration we ask you to add your Date of Birth, if you're under the age of 18, we ask you to add your Parent/Guardian's Name and Email Address. Upon completing registration, we'll send an email to the Parent/Guardian, asking them to create an account and approve your use of the platform. Renewing my PaSome readersWhat information is required to sign up?
Sports Organisations As a Sports Organisation, you'll need to let us know who your Organisation Type is i.e. Club, Competition etc. confirmation of whether or not the Organisation is affiliated to the sport and provide proof that you belong to this Organisation. Below are examples of proof we require, in essence, a document with your name your Organisation name: Governing body affiliation screenshot Proof of ownership i.e. companies house or similar Utility bill with a matching nSome readersHow do I sign up to YesRef?
Sign up to YesRef using your preferred option below: Download from App Store Download from Google Play Register on the WebFew readersNetball Umpire Verification
To verify yourself as a Netball Umpire on YesRef, the information we require, very much depends on your involvement in Netball and how you would like to use YesRef. Add/Update my Netball Umpire Information Adding or updating your information on YesRef for verification is simple. Login to YesRef go to your Profile select Account Sports choose Netball. This page will provide you with the option to update your Netball Umpire information. Finding the Information We have brokenFew readersFutsal Referee Verification
To verify yourself as a Futsal Referee on YesRef, the information we require, very much depends on your involvement in Futsal and how you would like to use YesRef. Add/Update my Futsal Referee Information Adding or updating your information on YesRef for verification is simple. Login to YesRef go to your Profile select Account Sports choose Futsal. This page will provide you with the option to update your Futsal Referee information. Finding the InformationFew readers