Articles on: YesRef Overview

The YesRef Glossary

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Abandoned Pre Kick Off (KO)

Abandoned Pre KO is a method to pay Sports Officials. Sports Officials are paid 50% of their fee and full expenses, this is calculated automatically when this option is selected.

Abandoned Post Kick Off (KO)

Abandoned Post KO is a method to pay Sports Officials. Sports Officials are paid in full when this option is selected.

Access Level

An Access Level is applied to a user which changes the level of functionality and access that user has in your Organisation.


Affiliation applies to Sports Officials and forms part of their profile. Sports Officials can upload their affiliation information to demonstrate their affiliation to the Sport they officiate.


Appoint is a way in which Sports Officials can be allocated to Roles. When choosing Appoint, the platform looks up all Sports Officials part of the Organisation, taking into consideration their Affiliation status, Availability, Age, Category, DBS status, Safeguarding Information, Sports Official Level and Travel Distance.

The Appoint function is available to Organisations with a YesRef subscription.


An Appointment is when a Sports Official has been allocated to a Role using the Appoint function. This sends an email and notification to the Sports Official inviting them to accept or decline the Appointment.


Availability highlights the Sports Official's availability on any given date/time. Sports Providers can access the Sports Officials Calendar to view the Sports Officials Availability. Sports Official's can access their Calendar to update their Availability.

Awaiting Acceptance (Blue)

Awaiting Acceptance is the current state of a Role. This state means the Sports Official has been appointed to a Role but has not yet accepted or declined the Appointment.

Awaiting Completion (Green)

Awaiting Completion is the current state of a Role. This state means the Organisation has paid for the Role, the money has been transferred to YesRef and the Total Fee will be automatically transferred to the Sports Official 1 hour, after the end of the Game.

Awaiting Expenses (Yellow)

Awaiting Expenses is the current state of a Role. This state means the Sports Official is required to add expenses and they have not yet added them.

Awaiting Payment (Red)

Awaiting Payment is the current state of a Role. This state means the Role is Ready to be Paid for by the Payer however payment has not yet been transferred to YesRef.

Awaiting Roles (Teal)

Awaiting Roles is the current state of a Role. This state means the Role is waiting for a Sports Official to be allocated. This could be allocated by the Appoint, Find or Pay functions.

Bank Transfer

A bank transfer is a method in which Organisations can transfer money to YesRef to pay Sports Officials. Bank transfers are available directly within YesRef and can be initiated by clicking the Pay YesRef button or visiting the Manage by Credit page within the profile section. A bank transfer can be used to top up Credit for your Organisation or to transfer money to YesRef to pay Sports Officials.


A Business is one of five Organisation types that use YesRef. A Business profile gives you access to all of the key features across the YesRef platform, with the option to create Events only.


The calendar is designed specifically for Sports Officials. This provides Sports Officials with the option to update their Availability using Closed Dates and view their Games and Events. Organisations with an active YesRef Subscription, can view the Calendar of any Sports Official who has shared their Calendar with the Organisation.

Capped Price

Capped Price is a Role Expense option which allows the Organisation to set the maximum about of Expenses a Sports Official can claim on any role.


A category is what an Organisation assigns to a Game or Event. These are unique to each Sport and typically it quantifies the type of Game or Event for example; Men's Women's etc. Sports Officials can select multiple categories as part of their preferences, this allows them to personalise what Games & Events they like to officiate.

Closed Dates

Closed dates are added to the Calendar by a Sports Official. Sports Official Calendar's are available by default unless the Sports Official adds a Closed Date, making them unavailable for a given date/time period. Closed dates can be added for a single day or multiple days, with any time period and can be applied to different Organisations. This allows the Sports Official complete flexibility with their Availability.


A Club is one of five Organisation types that use YesRef. A Club profile gives you access to all of the key features across the YesRef platform, including creating and modifying Teams within your Club and adding multiple Sports.


A Competition is one of five Organisation types that use YesRef. A Competition profile gives you access to all of the key features across the YesRef platform, with the additional benefit of viewing any games on the YesRef Platform that are part of your Competition.

Completed Status (Black)

A Completion Status is the current state of a Role. Depending on what Competition Status has been selected, this state means the Sports Official has been Paid or partially Paid i.e. Abandoned Pre KO.


Credit within YesRef is allocated to an Organisations account. This is money that has been transferred to YesRef and is available as a Payment Method to pay Sports Officials.


A Cup is a Competition type within YesRef and is applied against a Game. This is selected when creating a Competition and defining the type of Competition. This is typically assigned for Competitions with knockout stages. The Cup Competition type is shown as a trophy icon on any game.

Daily Availability

The Daily Availability forms part of a Sports Official's Availability. The Daily Availability allows the Sports Official to open and close their Calendar at the same time every day.


DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) applies to Sports Officials and forms part of their profile. Sports Officials can upload their DBS information to demonstrate they have an in-date DBS for the Sport they officiate.


A division forms part of a Competition and is used when creating a Game and when creating Teams. A Division allows a number of defaults to be set including Roles, Sports Official Level and Sports Official Fees and Expenses.

Educational Institution

An Educational Institution is one of five Organisation types that use YesRef. An Educational Institution profile gives you access to all of the key features across the YesRef platform, including creating and modifying Teams within your Organisation and adding multiple Sports.


An Event is for when you have multiple games, taking place at the same Venue. Events can be created for one-off dates or multiple dates and are required in order to allocate Sports Officials.


Find is a way in which Sports Officials can be allocated to Roles. When selecting Find, the platform will send a notification to all Sports Officials who meet the criteria for the Role(s). All Sports Officials preferences are taken into consideration including their Affiliation status, Availability, Age, Category, DBS status, Safeguarding Information, Sports Official Level and Travel Distance.


The Fee is associated to a Role and is the value that will be paid to the Sports Official.

Fixed Fee

Fixed Fee is a Role Expense option which allows the Organisation to set. Selecting Fixed Fee means no Expenses can be added by the Sports Official for that particular Role.


A Game is for when two teams are playing each other. Creating a Game is required in order for the Organisation to allocate Sports Officials.

Governing Body

A Governing Body is one of five Organisation types that use YesRef. A Governing Body profile gives you access to all of the key features across the YesRef platform, with the additional benefit of viewing any games on the YesRef Platform that are part of your Governing Body. Any Sports Officials affiliated to your Governing Body are also made available.


Hospitality forms part of YesRef Rating and allows Users to rate the Hospitality experience from 1-5 on the Organisation or hosting Team.


Invite is a function that enables you to invite Sports Officials to your Organisation. Inviting Sports Officials allows you to view their Profile, Availability and Appoint them to Games or Events.


An Organisation is any one of the following: Business, Club, Competition, Educational Institution or Governing Body.


A League is a Competition type within YesRef and is applied against a Game. This is selected when creating a Competition and defining the type of Competition.

Membership Evidence

Membership Evidence is required by the first person signing up to the Organisation. This is required to confirm that the User requesting access is part of that Organisation.

Paid (Black)

Paid is the current state of a Role. This state means the Organisation has paid and the Sports Official has subsequently been paid.


A Parent/Guardian is a type of User. Parent/Guardians are required to register an account when Sports Officials under the age of 18 create an account.


Pay is a way in which Sports Officials can be allocated to Roles. When choosing Pay, the platform provides a dropdown list of Sports Officials associated with that Sport. Upon selecting a Sports Official, they will be notified that they have been added to a Role for payment.

Pay YesRef

Pay YesRef is a button that is displayed on the Homepage for Organisations. This button appears when any Role is in a state of Awaiting Payment. Upon selecting Pay YesRef, a popup appears allowing the User to select all or a selection of Roles to pay.

Payment by

The Payment by description is associated with every Role. Against each Role the Payment by description will highlight who is responsible for making payment for that particular Role.

Per Mile

Per Mile is a Role Expense option which allows the Organisation to set the Per Mile cost for a Sports Official to add the number of miles travelled.


Pitch/Court forms part of YesRef Rating and allows Users to rate the Pitch/Court from 1-5.

Postponed (Black)

Postponed is the current state of a Role. This state means the Organisation has been refunded their money for the Role.

Processing Refund (Black)

Processing Refund is the current state of a Role. This state means the Organisation has not yet added the bank details to confirm where they monies should be returned to.


Ratings are displayed within the platform against an Organisation, Venue, Home Team, Away Team or a Sports Official. A Rating is displayed after 10 Ratings and is rated out of 5.


A Role is associated to a Game or Event. Adding a Role allows you to set the Fee, Expenses, Payer, Sports Official Level and allocate a Sports Official to the Role using the Appoint, Find or Pay function.


Safeguarding applies to Sports Officials and forms part of their profile. Sports Officials can upload their Safeguarding information to demonstrate they have an in-date DBS for the Sport they officiate.


Spectators form part of YesRef Ratings and allows Sports Officials to rate the Spectators experience from 1-5 on the Home and Away Teams.


A Sport is associated to an Organisation to highlight the Sport that they participate within. A Sport can be assigned to an Organisation and a Sports Official.

Sport Level

A Sport Level is used for Events and determines the Sports Official Level for the Role(s).

Sports Officials

A Sports Official is a type of User and are a combination of Referees, Umpires and Table Officials who officiate for a Sport.

Sports Official Level

A Sports Official Level is assigned to every Role, determining the qualifications required from a Sports Official.

Sports Provider

A Sports Provider is a type of User. A Sports Provider can register to one or multiple Organisations.

Sports Provider Role

The Sports Provider Role is the Role the Sports Provider has within the Organisation. For example; Chairperson, Team Manager, Appointments Officer etc.

Unavailable Reason

An Unavailable Reason is a selection of options a Sports Official can select when Closing a Date or rejecting an Appointment.


A User is any one of the following: Sports Provider, Sports Official or Parent/Guardian.

YR Finders Fee

The YesRef Finders Fee is a Pay-as-you-Go fee which is applied when using the Find function against a Role. This is only payable when YesRef successfully finds you a Sports Official.

YR Payment Fee

The YesRef Payment Fee is a Pay-as-you-Go fee which is applied when paying a Sports Official. This is only payable when using YesRef to pay Sports Officials.

Updated on: 02/12/2024

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